Nexgen’s APP Factory for Rapid Creation Approach

“Nexgen’s APP Factory for Rapid Creation Approach” is YOUR entry point into rapid FIORI development. It uses the RAD – Rapid Application Development method, which is based on the following approach:

“RAD is based on the spiral model and provides a prototypical approach in which requirements for a software are collected and converted into executable code as quickly as possible. This is presented to the client at a relatively early stage so we can identify misunderstandings in the requirements as well as additional requirements. The changes will be implemented in an updated version and presented again. We run these cycles until the client is satisfied with the software and accepts its outcome.” (Source: Wikipedia)

What are your advantages? The RAD approach usually requires less preliminary work and pre-planning and therefore assures productive results much faster. Due to the saved time as well as the parallel development of the various software development phases, this form of software development can usually be delivered in a few days. In addition, the constant interaction between users and the developing prototype ensures a higher quality.

Applications created with it help significantly shorten the development time of an MVP (Most Valiable Product). The MVP can then be flexibly expanded and adapted to individual requirements.

The fast delivery of productive software and iterations as well as the close involvement of the users are made possible and show characteristics of agile software development.

What does this mean for fiori app development in detail? Through additional descriptions and additions in the HANA views, only frontends are generated for the time being. Time-consuming details of the individual checks and validations are omitted as well. Persistence and other optical highlights that the customer desperately wants to see are also developed at a much later date, when the customer has accepted the prototype.
That’s why this approach is perfect for prototyping. And with Nexgen you get a complete development team, which already has, with this approach a lot of experience in international projects.
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